Quotations from his writings and interventions are filed at the Center named after him in Bonello Street in Palermo

The Lord knows how to wait
No man is far from the Lord.
The Lord loves freedom, does not impose his love.
He does not force the heart of any of us.
Every heart has its own times,
which even we cannot understand.
He knocks and stands at the door.
When the heart is ready it will open


The meaning of life
Each of us feels a tendency within himself, a charisma.
A project that makes every man unique and unrepeatable.
This call, this vocation is the sign of the Holy Spirit in us.
Only listening to this voice can give meaning to our life

I’ve done my best
We must try to follow our vocation, our project of love.
But we can never consider ourselves sitting at the end of the line,
already arrived.
It starts every time.
We must have humility,
awareness of having accepted the Lord’s invitation,
walking, then presenting what was built to be able to say:
yes, I did my best.

Like the tiles of a mosaic
We think of that portrayal of Jesus depicted in the Monreale Cathedral.
Each of us is like a tile of this great mosaic.
So all of us must understand where our place is and help others understand
what their own is because they Form the only face of Christ.

The words and the facts
It’s important to talk about mafia, especially in schools,
to fight against the mafia mentality,
which is then any ideology willing to sell man’s dignity for money.
However, there are no quarrels, complaints, protests.
These initiatives have value but,
if they stop at this level, they are just words.
And the words must be confirmed by the facts.

God gives us strength
Love for God is purified and free.
This does not mean that we are sparsonalized,
but our personality is exalted and strengthened,
that is, giving new potential to our natural faculties,
to our intelligence. Our will.

If everyone does something
Our initiatives and those of volunteers must be a sign.
It is not something that can turn Brancaccio.
This is an illusion we can not afford.
It’s just a sign to provide other models,
especially to young people.
Let’s do it for you to say:
Since there is nothing,
we want to roll up the sleeves and build something.
And if everyone does something, then you can do a lot …

The testimony could becomes martyrdom.
The disciple of Christ is a witness. Christian’s witness can go into difficulties,it can become martyrdom.
The step is short, indeed it is martyrdom that gives value to the testimony.
Remember Saint Paul:
“I desire to die even to be with Christ.”
Here, this desire becomes a desire for communion that transcends even life.

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